Some silly things I have said or done because of brainfog/dyspraxia
1. upon seeing my Husbands new work trousers I accidently said Ilove your nice new white tights!
2. when cryign out in pain - Head , shoulder, knees, no not them it's my elbow that subluxed !
3. Upon getting new kerb climbing device for my wheelchair - "yes I can go that way as I now have a kerb crawler" oops I mean't kerb climber.
4. I've called my husband my lovely human :-)
5. When I was younger and more mobile I took some instructions too literally - I was told to "flood the floor with water" I followed the advice and got in trouble woops.
6. I got Bournmouth mixed up with Barmouth and ended up getting all the way to Bournmouth then had meltdown because i'd got things so wrong :-(