Things I hate as a wheelchair user
1 Stairs.... 2. Unsupervised toddlers running around - hazard when trying to get round 3. Unsupervised drunken people running...
Me against the door - the door won :-(
When I went out for a meal with my lovely Husband I didn't expect to accidently lock myself in the disabled toilet that was freezing cold...
Disabled toilets !?!
This is the one and only difficulty I have with booking a place to eat - when people say they have disabled toilets for wheelchair users...
Ten Essentials for your handbag when your a powerchair/wheelchair user!
Ten essentials for your handbag when your a powerchair user! Believe it or not these have all happened to me! 1. An allen key and a...
All about me
My name is Ann-Marie and I have started this blog to talk about life on powered wheels and also things that happen when you have EDS,hms,...
Ten things which make me roll my eyes about being in a powerchair daily
Whether you are a wheelchair user or a carer of someone who uses a wheelchair you may come across these comments regularly. . 1. Your...
Some silly things I have said or done because of brainfog/dyspraxia
1. upon seeing my Husbands new work trousers I accidently said Ilove your nice new white tights! 2. when cryign out in pain - Head ,...